Stamp Collecting In The News: Sunflowers Issue Reveals a Canadian Première!
“For the first time since the flower series began, Canada Post decided to take a different approach to securing images of the sunflowers that appear on these stamps. In the past, we had relied on various public farms and gardens, particularly those tended by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), as well as the expertise and generosity of various botanists, horticulturalists and gardening groups.
This time, we once again consulted with experts at the AAFC’s Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, who helped us choose several hardy varieties.They then graciously set aside a plot, and planted and raised the sunflowers you see on these stamps. This is quite possibly the first time in Canada that flowers were grown specifically to appear on a stamp, which makes this Sunflower stamp issue not only brilliant and beautiful, but one that marks a first in Canadian philately.”
Source: Canada Post
Collecting stamps by subjects is a such fascinating hobby!
To quote George Griffenhagen and Jerome Husak, founders of the American Topical Association (ATA) :
“A topical collection is not a hodge-podge of empty spaces in an album separated by a few stamps; it is always complete. True, you will be missing stamps pertaining to your topic, but others will never know that a species or two are lacking from your flower bouquet – if, as an example, you decide to collect flowers on stamps.” from the book Mini-Adventures In Topical Stamp Collecting.
I would be delighted to know what are your preferred stamp collecting topics! Do share with us by leaving a comment below.
Until next, take care and all the very best.
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