Canada Post Stamp Program for 2011 Reveals Great Subjects For Topical Stamp Collectors
In the recent Canada Post press release, we learn that more than 2,350 Canadian stamp issues have been released since April 23, 1851 when the first Canadian stamp depicting the 3p Beaver was issued, and that more than a billion Canadian stamps are sold yearly in Canada and worldwide.
Quite impressive!
‘Canada Post stamp line-up for 2011, with twenty (20) stamp issues and two (2) commemorative envelopes will feature a wide variety of topics and people, including baseball Hall-of-Famer Fergie Jenkins, singers such as Ginette Reno and the McGarrigle Sisters, hydroplane Miss Supertest III and many more.
Other stamps will feature the Canadian flag, baby animals, architectural details, methods of mail delivery, Christmas, the International Year of Forests, and Chemistry.’
Do you have an idea who will be featured in the mysterious 4th stamp of the 3rd “Canadian Recording Artists” series? (see photo below)
Share your thoughts by leaving a comment 🙂 , and take a sneak peek at what is coming up with Jim Phillips, Director of Stamp Services at Canada Post:
Le Programme 2011 de Postes Canada révèle d’intéressants sujets pour les collectionneurs thématiques.
Dans un récent communiqué de presse, Postes Canada nous apprend que 2,350 timbres-poste ont été mis en circulation depuis l’émission du premier timbre canadien, le 23 avril 1851, à l’effigie du castor,
et que chaque année, plus d’un milliard de timbres canadiens sont vendus au pays et dans le monde entier.
‘Le programme des timbres-poste de 2011 comprend vingt (20) émissions de timbres et deux (2) enveloppes commémoratives présentant une grande variété de sujets et de personnalités, tel Fergie Jenkins,
intronisé au Temple de la renommée du baseball, les chanteuses Ginette Reno et les sœurs McGarrigle, l’hydroglisseur primé Miss Supertest III, pour ne nommer que ces derniers.
D’autres timbres commémoreront le drapeau du Canada, des bébés animaux, des éléments architecturaux, des modes de livraison du courrier, la fête de Noël, l’Année internationale de la forêt et celle de la Chimie.’
Mme Elia Anoia, Gestionnaire Responsable du Développement du programme des timbres-poste à Poste Canada présente le contenu du programme sur le vidéo ci-dessus.
D’après vous, quel artiste sera commémoré sur le 4e timbre du troisième volet de la populaire série ‘Artistes Canadiens de la Chanson” ?
Partagez votre prédiction en laissant un commentaire! 🙂
A bientôt.
PS: For greater details, visit Canada Post website. | Pour de plus amples détails, visitez le site de Postes Canada
the stamps are great, i have been collecting off and on since i was 12, i’m not in my 40’s, although i do collect other countries, canada remains me favourite….
i’ll tell you a case in point, they are vibrant, colourful, and tell so much of our history.
in 82, i believe it was, there was a rose stamp that was issued..when i look at it, it seems to jump off the page, and at the same time they issued a rose stamp from the US, i visited a post office when i was seeing relatives at the time, and got it, in comparison, the US one seems so blah, nothing to it at all, over the years their stamps have gotten a bit beter, a bit more colour and character to them, but, in comparison to our stamps, there is no comparison, to me Canada’s is right up there with the world best, and why we don’t get more recognition, i have no clue.